Denise Beedell


Denise Beedell

Policy Manager for Vans and Urban, Logistics UK

Logistics UK is the UK's only organisation which represents all sectors of the logistics industry. Denise has been at the company for over four years, and specialises in vans, urban policy, London Lorry Control Scheme, electric vehicles, as well as water freight in London. She helps deliver Logistics UK's policy agenda on all urban and environmental issues, proactively leading policy work on vans and commercial vehicle electrification, charging regimes, decarbonisation, access restrictions, regulatory requirements, and transport and planning issues. This involves discussion forums, information services, and publications, as well as liaison with Logistics UK members, communication to external audiences, and briefing members on policy and regulatory issues that impact their business. In 2022, Logistics UK welcomed its 20,000th member.

Denise Beedell